Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Design and implementation of a Student Information system (a case study of --- school).

Design and implementation of a Student Information system (a case study of  --- school).

this project work is designed to meet the current system of managing students informations, and also surpassing it capabilities, mobility and expansitivity.
this system tends to achieve a major aim of managing, storing, retreival, and updating new or existing students information, this system tends to eradicate most observed problem of the current  student information system practiced by the --instiute/school, such as Time factors, Man power, Durability of information and Security.
This new system design is acheived using which is a web application platform, SQL- which supports the databse and Html- which supports build framework.
this system doesnot only serve mere purpose in just student information system but also advances the current educational system.

contact me on: 08168418880.

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